F.A.T. Katz


What F.A.T. KATZ needs:
~Foster Homes
~Corporate sponsors
~Cat toys
~Cat litter
~Cat treats
~Cat food
~Cages for showing cats
~Flip video camera
~Mini van for carrying equipment to and from adoption events
You can also shop our Wish List on Amazon.com and the items will ship directly to us!
Adoption fees only cover the actual cost of standard medical care for
F.A.T. Katz cats and kittens. Therefore, we are dependent on donations
and fundraising events to support our programs and allow us to take in cats
for adoption with normal or major medical problems, as well as assist in
trap-neuter-release programs. We have a variety of activities, and invite
and encourage you to support our efforts to achieve our mission. If interested
in volunteering, contact us either by phone, 505-293-2830, email FatKatzAbq@Gmail.com, or use the contact form below.
You can also download a volunteer application or a
membership form right here!