F.A.T. Katz

Becoming A Member
With a membership in F.A.T. Katz, you will be supporting all of our ongoing efforts through annual dues. Dues are due and payable annual in advance or at the annual meeting. Application for membership must be received in writing. F.A.T. Katz members in good standing and over the age of 18 years may vote at the annual meeting and any other member meetings throughout the year, and may have the privilege of the floor extended to them. All members agree to abide by the policies and procedures as set forth in the corporate records, handbooks and other policies, programs, regulations and instructions.
Levels of Membership:
Guardian Angel ($1000 or more)
Star ($500 or more)
Hero ($250)
Friend ($100)
Sponsor or Family ($50)
Individual ($30)
Students, Seniors, or Low Income ($10)
Active Volunteers ($10)
Members are invited to the annual meeting as well as any other general membership meetings throughout the year. F.A.T. Katz members also receive a subscription to our newsletter. Through your dues and donations, you are assisting us in helping our cats and kittens and many of the abandoned, orphaned, homeless and feral cats in the Albuquerque metropolitan area. If you would like to become a member or make a donation, please download the membership form and mail in to: F.A.T. Katz, P.O. Box 90394, ABQ, NM 87199-0394.