F.A.T. Katz
Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Services
The Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Clinic is held the second Sunday of each month. This is such an amazing service for Albuquerque!
Once a month, volunteers come together to hold a feral cat spay/neuter clinic which regularly spays/neuters and vaccinates an average of 100 feral cats, each month, in the Albuquerque area.
The cats are trapped the evening before then brought to the clinic the following morning. The cats are brought in the traps, checked in and numbered, weighed, anesthetized, prepped for surgery, go to surgery for the spay/neuter, come out of surgery, get their surgical area cleaned up, temperature taken, ears and ear tip cleaned, then on to the vaccinations table where they get rabies and FVRCP shots and antibiotics. Moving to the next station, they get subcutaneous fluids and then are transferred into a carrier in the recovery room for a rest with a hot water bottle. Some cats come in with wounds that need treating, possible amputations or dental work. Those are all taken care of at the time of surgery! WOW!! What a SUPER rewarding day!!
The winter months are the time to really work hard because so many spring litters can be prevented. October is when most of the spring kittens are big enough and May is when there are the most newly nursing females so please know that the winter months are the most important and it is not too cold to do TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return)! Click here to get details on where, when and how.